Hello everyone life is great, as of today we have been to 13 teams in the past nine weeks. The last visit was with the NC Panthers and what a visit it was. When we agreed to meet with the Panthers, their pro personnel assit let me know that it may be a little difficult for me to meet with anyone that Thursday, "But if you can get through the first set of gates (security) then the second set of gates (players and faculty security) then we will make it happen". Now the Sunday prior to this visit, the message at church was about the city of Jericho and how the solders were instructed to walk around the walls, no weapons until they fell, trusting in the lord and his favor.
Because NC wasn't as far as other teams I have visited in MY JOURNEY, it didn't make sense for me to fly to Charlot. And because my a good friend of mine Qiana Martin (@ eatsoccer.blogspot.com) was traveling to NC also for business it only made sense for me to ride with her. We arrived in NC, Martin took care of her business and dropped me off at the stadium, on the opposite side of the team entrance. I said a prayer and began to walk around the stadium.
Immediately the first thing I thought of was this story from the bible and how it corresponded with the actions I was taking part in. As I walked I reflected on this story and began to grow even more confident that this was my time and my place. Bending the first curve I notice the Gate 1 to my left, one of the many obstacles I was told I would have to make it through to do what I want to do. Well because I was dropped off at stadium , there was no need for me to communicate with the gate security at all (gate 1, check). Gate 2 security wide open, wide open, no one was in box and the gate was pulled oppen for me to enter (Gate 2 Check).
Trust in him and all things are possible. I enter second gate and the media director meets me on my path, I tell him who I am, he says we need linebackers, welcome and enter those doors and you will find player personnel and whomever else you need to speak with. I enter the doors, told the front desk who I was and whom I was there to see. He instructed to have a seat and someone would be with me asap. While I was sitting in this area, I noticed that all these guys with Panther attire kept walking passed me and entering this room. They all said hello as they walked by but it took me a min to figure out what was going on; and then it hit me, well should I say hit my nose. This was the lunch room, and all all those guys that were passing me and saying hello were coaches and coaches assitants. The team Chaplin came over and introduced himself, said a prayer for me and wished me the best.
So now I'm glowing, from ear to ear and it's apparent that everyone can see this. The door security let me know that he left two messages and Pro Personnel should be with me shortly, at this point I don't really care about meeting with them I'm having a great time being excepted where I was; felt as if I were already apart of the team. Then he says good afternoon coach, Coach John Fox (head Coach) walks toward me, I introduce myself and let him know that I plane to play for his team, he smiles and enters the chow room (Funny because he is lot smaller then he looks on TV LOL).
Pro personnel then calls down, inform me that they are in meeting and would like me to leave my information at the front desk. So that's what I did, recieved words of inspiration from player developement assit and front desk security and continued on with my day. I walk out door and continue MY JOURNEY around the walls of the Panthers. I come to another Gate, but this time I'm met by security, he says "the practice field is straight ahead sir and have a great day, thanks for comming". I continue and complete my trip around the stadium; and just as the walls of Jericho fell so will the walls of the Panthers.