The Journey of Brandon Culpepper. From Outside linebacker/ Rush End, now Rugby player and Entrepreneur/Business Man.
Monday, December 5, 2011
The Truth
Albert Einstein
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Recap of my Rugby Journey this year
The picture show my journey Rugby.
-California, with Santa Monica Dolphins.
-Chicago for USA 7's Combine
-Signed with Chicago Lions
-Played in Beach 5's tournament with Milwaukee
-Back to Chicago Lions
-Opportunity presented to play with Atlanta for nationals. Denied by USA rugby committee.
- Cleared from Lions
-Signed with Milwaukee Rugby 15's
-Played in Rugby league Championship game with NY Wild Cats
-Met with Play Rugby USA
-Back to Milwaukee with 15's club
-Signed with NYAC Rugby Club in NYC
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
NYC & Pepp Nation
Thanks for the love and support
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Rugby Wow
These last couple of weeks have been all Rugby all the time. After my long hard fight with the USA Rugby committee to play in 7's national championship, I was denied. :( sad face right, wasn't happy about the judgement, but life goes on so what's next? I continued training that week as if i were playing the following weekend. Then something unbelievable happened, I was offered the opportunity to train and play in Rugby League Championship in NYC this past weekend.
What better way to grow as a player then to play in Championship game. Now this style of rugby is much different then what I have been becoming accustomed to. Much more similar to football, 6 downs b4 turnover and little to no one on one tackling. Don't get me wrong all my tackles were just me and the ball carrier; I wish I could say the same when I carried the ball tho lol. Every time our team had possession and it was passed to me, three big boys squared up; I might break on tackle maybe two, but 3 was nearly impossible. I think with another week of training underneath me, I could make what at the time seemed impossible, possible.
Unfortunately the addition of my skills weren't enough to help my team win the Championship, but the Wildcats played hard and I appreciate the opportunity to play. While in NYC I also met with Play Rugby USA and I'm looking forward to working with them in the near future ( I = PeppNation). Much more to come, video post soon.
Video post next week
Next week I will be post a video with my most recent updates and the adventures I've experienced over the past 3months. I thank God for the many blessings bestowed upon me. I also figured it would be faster and less stressful on the fingers this way, rather then typing out 3months worth of my journey lol.
Sunday Oct. 2nd I will be leaving Milwaukee and moving to NYC; learning, teaching and playing Rugby. I'm beyond excited for the opportunity and looking to grow PeppNation beyond the beliefs of a normal person (if you haven't noticed already, I'm not normal lol). When did I get to Milwaukee you say? Lots of great things to share, so tune in next week.
Culpepper's dreams and goals are reality and your's are too.
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Just recently I was given the opportunity to plead my case to the USA Rugby Committee.
What case?
Why I should be granted clearance to play for the ATL Old White Rugby club, next weekend in San Fransico; while under contract with the Chicago Lions. This is the letter that I drafted for the committee to plead my case.
My name is Brandon Culpepper and I would like the opportunity to continue playing Rugby onward into the national playoffs. May 18th 2011, I was notified about the combine hosted by the Chicago Lion's RFC. At that time I still was uncertain of how serious this sport is. June 19th, after the combine, I wanted to play.
The Atlanta Old White Rugby team has always supported me in my decisions and growth as an athlete; so I knew to get better I needed to train. I started training with Kevin Ward in Atlanta GA (member of ATLOWRFC) to help increase my skills and knowledge of the game. He also introduced me to Richie Mischa of the All Blacks (he is a beast). Soon after I started training with Atlanta OWRFC, I desired even more growth, to compete and to Win.
I contacted Aaron Manheimer, head 7's coach and head conditioning Zen for the Lions and asked if I could join there team to enhance my growth. He agreed and I joined their team team Tuesday, July 12th. July 14th, I requested transfer with USA Rugby from ATLOWRFC to the Chicago Lion's RFC and July 15 I was approved.
After much training under Lion's leadership, I joined the team in the Grand Rapids 7's tournament for some B-side competition (Saturday July 16th). I loved it, obviously didn't get the amount of playing time that I wanted (come on ladies and gent, when your an athlete you want to be in the game, new game or not :)), but we took first place and I felt even more confident that I could excel at this sport.
The following week I practiced with the Lions and Coach Aaron chose the A-side team for Midwest Championships. I figured I wasn't going to play, but the thought of playing Rugby only yearned more. So I did even more research lol and I came across the Milwaukee 5's beach social tournament. Now this made me excited, the thought of more competition and to LEARN MORE, I was pumped. I feel like a kid every time I play and my mother could watch (I'm MKE Native); what more could you ask for. Aaron gave the team the week off after winning yet another Midwest championship, so I have been playing touch in Milwaukee for the week.
Sunday, July 24th the captain of the ATLOWRC called me with an opportunity of a lifetime. He told me if interested they would like me to join them for nationals. Out of respect for both clubs and myself I contacted Lucy Zugschwert to see what steps I needed to take to make this a reality. She responded with a detailed email and I proceeded. Contacted Coach Aaron for permission to release me from Lion's care, he agreed in email also sent to Lucy Zugschwert.
Today I had conversation with C. Mckenna and she encouraged me to write a detailed letter stating my case of why I should be granted this opportunity. This game is fun, "I'm LOVIN It" and would like to share in this grand experience with the Atlanta Old White Football Club.
Brandon Culpepper AKA "PEPP"
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
First Rugby Tournament

Interestingly enough, this experience has been like a Scrum. You get down, put your weight behind you and push forward. "Life is Grand"
Chicago has been lots of fun. Played in my first tournament with Lion's at the Grand Rapids 7's; scored my first Tri and made lots of tackles, lol. Not going to lie, I was a little nervous when I got in the first game. You know that feeling when your on a roller coaster for the first time, yeah that feeling. I just remember going up, grabbing the ball out of the air and saying to myself, "Run Pepp".
I have been running ever since and I'm loving it.
To Be Continued...
Monday, July 18, 2011
First Rugby Tournament
The Chicago Lions B side team led by Dom Mauer and Dan Wright faught for everything they got out there and I am thankful to be apart of the show. The A side although they lost their first match, took second place in the tournament. They will be attending the Midwest qualifiers this weekend to determine who will be representing the Midwest for National playoffs. I learn so much this weekend about Rugby and now I know why this sport is loved by many across the world.
Can't wait to play again: PeppNation
Friday, July 15, 2011
Chicago Lions Rugby Week One
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Rugby VS Football

Ok, I'm back and it feels like I have been gone for too long. Life is Grand, training and as of a two months ago playing lots of Rugby. I went to LA and trained with the Santa Monica Rugby club and soon after received the opportunity to workout for the US Rugby 7's coach in Chicago, Al Caravelli. He told us that this coming 2012 Olympics in London, will be the inductor year for Rugby 7's. The opportunity to represent my family and Nation in the Olypics is something that I wasn't going to let slip through my fingers. I returned to Atlanta and begin training with the Atlnata Old White Rugby club to sharpen my skills. OMG, the conditioning of Rugby is nothing like I have ever experience before; don't get me wrong I have had some tough football workouts, but nothing like this. The good thing is, I work hard and will be in great shape. I'm new to the sport, so I'll be taking it all in and having a bunch of fun doing it.
Tuesday July 12th after my brothers wedding (25 year wedding anniversery); I'll be traveling back to Chicago to train with the Chicago Lions, under the leadership of Coach Aaron Manheimer. From my research I feel like I'll have the best opportunity to hone on the skills that I have and transfer them over to Rugby.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Where Do We Go From Here?
This month has come and almost an end. I've been thinking about the things that have happened over the first 3 months in 2011. There have been celebrations, moments of joy, good times, bad times and even sad times. I believe, as we end the first quarter of 2011, that we're on pace to accomplishing our goals-all while living life and having fun doing it.
I remember like it was yesterday. On January 1st, 2011, I said, "This is going to be my year." Not necessarily knowing @ the time how, why or for what reason I felt this way, I just knew that's how I felt and I still feel that way today. You know the whole hearted feeling, the no-doubt-about-it feeling, or even the "on my mama" type of feeling, lol. There is something about 2011 that has turned up the fire that drives me from a 6 or 7 notch to a 10 or 12 level on an electric stove top. All comparisons aside, when I think about where I want to be and where I am today, I'm making progress.
Recently a young athlete sent in a question to PeppNation (YouTube).
"When you are doing all the right things, following the correct steps to accomplish your goal and nothing seems to have happened yet, what should you do?"
I answered her question with one word, FAITH. Here's the thing; if you're doing everything in your power to accomplish your goals (in other words working), and you have faith, something is going to happen, something is happening and has already happened. Nothing stays the same. There is always going to be change. The key is recognizing the change and making a play off it (adjust/react).
Example: You really need and want to get an A on the test. You study and prepare for the big test. You talk to your teacher, and go over your notes daily etc. When you take the test, you get your test back and find out you earned a B.
Now you took all the steps necessary to get an A and you earned a B. This result can be frustrating because you knew the information like the palm of your hand. So what should you do?
#1) I would not discount your grade. If you had not studied, the ultimate goal of an A would be the last thing you should be thinking about.
#2) Go over your test, see what answers you got both incorrect and correct. Teachers can make mistakes too, so it's up to you to review your test for mistakes.
#3) Speak with your teacher about your test. (Talk about your preparation and the grade you received.)
So your goal was an A and you didn't, for whatever reason, accomplish it. Bu,t that doesn't mean you weren't successful. From those three steps above you have; 1) Insured that no mistakes were made by either you or your teacher. 2) Your teacher is aware that you're serious about your studies and 3) Perhaps during your review or conversation with teacher, you discussion led to some changes that may have increased your grade by a few points. Increasing your B to a B+ or maybe even an A.
You have to look at the POSITIVE of every situation, especially if all you recognize is negative. With every bad, there has to be good. I say, ignore the bad and stick to the good.
Just like the example above, when you take action, you are preparing yourself to accomplish even more goals. The more action you take. The more goals you will accomplish. With the next test, you are going to be beyond prepared, and once the final rolls around, it will be a piece of cake.
-Be prepared-
Anywho, stay tuned for more updates. I meet with the Miami Dolphins tomorrow, and I'm excited about that. I had workout in MN the second weekend in March and I was in Houston, TX last weekend. "Every step we take always leads to another."
Friday, January 21, 2011
The Power of Creative Persuasion
When you look at me, you see those qualities emanating from me, like a bright yellow shirt with the words "I Believe" on the chest and "You Should Too" on the back. I believe that when you are passionate about what you do and want, others are persuaded to assist you in accomplishing your goals. And maybe, just maybe, be encouraged to seek and accomplish their own goals.
Anything, I mean anything is possible.-PeppNation
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
As a student athlete, I remember doing very well on the field and getting my test back in the from my teachers and not having the same feeling of success. In high school, this can be difficult and can play a large role in you being eligible for a scholarship. Here are some helpful tips that I used to make sure I got the grades and scholarship I deserved.
Hey as always I have an open door policy, so if you have any questions about football and or academics. Send me a message @ twitter @culpeppernfl, or contact me on facebook @Brandon Culpepper.
Monday, January 10, 2011
PeppNation: NFL Campaign Goes Social in 2011
Many have sent in videos and we are greatly appreciative of that. It's 2011 and we are a mission to do what we want to do-play in the NFL. I used to say "do what you have to do so you can do what you want to do." It was a phrase that I heard Denzel Washington say a couple of years ago. Now, I just say, "do what you want to do."
There's no limit to what is or isn't possible. This is what I hope people who come into contact with my words, video and story take away. I do not want people to know that Brandon Culpepper, or rather "we" are going to play in the NFL (if you are a part of the team then you're a part of the journey), butpthat anything is possible when you put your mind to it. Put your pedal to the metal, and don't look back. I am hoping that my pursuit to accomplishing my dreams will encourage others to do the same.
Example: Ted Williams, the man with the golden voice who was homeless for 2 1/2 years. He became a YouTube sensation overnight and is now a new voice for the Cleveland Cavaliers. You can't tell me that God isn't good, and that miracles don't happen because they do every second of our lives. Are you ready for your miracle? Having fun? Living Life? Doing what you want to do? If not, ask yourself why, and while contemplating this question, go on over to Facebook and join the team! I am certain that the energy over there will put a fire under you to start to prepare for your "miracle, moment of luck or whatever you choose to call it." As they say, Luck is when Preparation meets Opportunity.
Also make sure when you join, tell us about your favorite football news and your hopes and dreams for this year. Let PeppNation know what you would like to get paid to do. You never know who may be reading your post! Sometimes all it takes is for you to speak your miracle to get it working in your life.

- I work hard, never give up and do what I have to do so I can do what I want to do.