Just recently I was given the opportunity to plead my case to the USA Rugby Committee.
What case?
Why I should be granted clearance to play for the ATL Old White Rugby club, next weekend in San Fransico; while under contract with the Chicago Lions. This is the letter that I drafted for the committee to plead my case.
My name is Brandon Culpepper and I would like the opportunity to continue playing Rugby onward into the national playoffs. May 18th 2011, I was notified about the combine hosted by the Chicago Lion's RFC. At that time I still was uncertain of how serious this sport is. June 19th, after the combine, I wanted to play.
The Atlanta Old White Rugby team has always supported me in my decisions and growth as an athlete; so I knew to get better I needed to train. I started training with Kevin Ward in Atlanta GA (member of ATLOWRFC) to help increase my skills and knowledge of the game. He also introduced me to Richie Mischa of the All Blacks (he is a beast). Soon after I started training with Atlanta OWRFC, I desired even more growth, to compete and to Win.
I contacted Aaron Manheimer, head 7's coach and head conditioning Zen for the Lions and asked if I could join there team to enhance my growth. He agreed and I joined their team team Tuesday, July 12th. July 14th, I requested transfer with USA Rugby from ATLOWRFC to the Chicago Lion's RFC and July 15 I was approved.
After much training under Lion's leadership, I joined the team in the Grand Rapids 7's tournament for some B-side competition (Saturday July 16th). I loved it, obviously didn't get the amount of playing time that I wanted (come on ladies and gent, when your an athlete you want to be in the game, new game or not :)), but we took first place and I felt even more confident that I could excel at this sport.
The following week I practiced with the Lions and Coach Aaron chose the A-side team for Midwest Championships. I figured I wasn't going to play, but the thought of playing Rugby only yearned more. So I did even more research lol and I came across the Milwaukee 5's beach social tournament. Now this made me excited, the thought of more competition and to LEARN MORE, I was pumped. I feel like a kid every time I play and my mother could watch (I'm MKE Native); what more could you ask for. Aaron gave the team the week off after winning yet another Midwest championship, so I have been playing touch in Milwaukee for the week.
Sunday, July 24th the captain of the ATLOWRC called me with an opportunity of a lifetime. He told me if interested they would like me to join them for nationals. Out of respect for both clubs and myself I contacted Lucy Zugschwert to see what steps I needed to take to make this a reality. She responded with a detailed email and I proceeded. Contacted Coach Aaron for permission to release me from Lion's care, he agreed in email also sent to Lucy Zugschwert.
Today I had conversation with C. Mckenna and she encouraged me to write a detailed letter stating my case of why I should be granted this opportunity. This game is fun, "I'm LOVIN It" and would like to share in this grand experience with the Atlanta Old White Football Club.
Brandon Culpepper AKA "PEPP"