Part time as I have mentioned in other blogs, I train individuals who are interested in living healthy lifestyles, work at a restaurant in Dacula GA called Fatsos and spend time working with children and young adults. I help kids with their math using functional training @ Gillette Grade school. Lend my time and money to One economy and other global outreach groups here in GA, as well as visiting local schools and hospitals throughout Atlanta. I am able to be a service to others.
Recently I received pictures from some of the events that I participated in and figured it would be good to give a visual of what else I do outside of football and training. There is a great movie that I watched some time ago called Peaceful Warrior (2005). If you haven't seen it, I suggest you do. The movie explains that the greatest gift you can give is service to others.
I know that service to others especially service to children makes a difference in their growth, because it made a difference in mine. I have had many give their time and energy to me, so it's only right that I do the same. "Encourage and lead by example." Bishop Eddie Long says that we should,” Love Like Him, Live Like Him, Lead like Him.” I know that, once it’s all said and done with football, my next job will involve assisting children with their development.
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