As most of you know that follow me via facebook @brandon_culpepper55@yahoo.com or Twitter @culpeppernfl, I just got back from a four team 3 day trip to the east coast; Jets, Giants, Eagles and the Baltimore Ravens. The trip was awesome, every team showed me love and were very receptive to how I'm marketing myself throughout the National Football League. My first stop was to the Philadelphia Eagles, wasn't allowed into the facility because of some security issue prior to my visit. Hey I didn't complain it is what it is, found out later that Vick's nephew entered the facility in Vicks truck without authorization, therefore causing much confusion throughout the complex. The Eagles called me the following day, apologized and informed me that they looked to reschedule; I left my information with the front desk then it was on to the next one; The NY Giants. I probably should say the New Jersey Giants, do to the fact that the Jets and the Giants both play in Jersey not New York. Any how this visit was awesome, learned a lil history about the team, for example Bill Belecheck (Head Coach Patriots) won two Super Bowls under Bill Parcell and the Giants have a total of three Super Bowls; I was told they have 5 but there are only 3 on display. The Jets and the Giants have just built two new training facilities and are in the process of building another. During my visit I had the opportunity to step into there new stadium; just so happens the field had just been placed, I mean the hash marks and yard markers hadn't even been cut in yet. Wow as I stood on the field taking a picture of the construction guys who were giving me the walk through, I'm the first athlete to step on the this field, that was pretty cool.
When it was time to depart and head to the gets, I checked my directions to make sure I was heading the right way. I even asked a couple of the staff members to confirm, they all agreed and I was off. As I followed the directions (via Sprint GPS), I was navigated through the bright lights of New York city; making it difficult to concentrate on the road and driving in down town NY you better concentrate or you will get hit or hit someone. Once I made it through the Flashy Lights and millions of people walking the streets, I got stuck in Miley Cyrus concert traffic and it was nearly 5pm. I began thinking to myself man I'm not going to make it, but I did about 6:00pm and there were no Jets to be found anywhere. I stopped by the police station at Hofstra University just outside of NY City and asked where are the Jets? "They been gone for a year now, moved back to Jersey", WHAT!!!!
At this point there was no way I would make it back to Jersey before 8pm so I decided to have dinner and experience a night on the town in NY..... Had a grand time, through a friend in Atlanta I was able to attend P-Diddy's after party for the 3million dollar birthday party in NY. Lots of fun, enjoyed myself but it was back to business the next morning.
My agent set me up in another hotel in Jersey, much nicer then the one in Philly, I mean don't get the wrong the Hotel in Philly was nice but I wasn't a true fan of down town. Turns out the Jets new facility is 30min north of the Stadium, in Madison NJ. On the ride there I called to confirm my visit because I was suppose to be there the day prior. Player personnel did not answer but I was able to get in, meet with security again and get my material put into the right hands. Their facilities are also very nice and I would love to be there.
On to the next one, the Baltimore Ravens and what a visit it was. I was there for about an hour interviewing with player personnel and security, touring the facility and learning some history about the organization. Ravens' facility looks like a castle, from the high ceilings, rolling stair case, to the 5 foot by 6 foot fireplace that welcomes you when you enter, this is the place for me. What a place what a team what a trip. I'm really enjoying this journey and it's getting better every step of the way. God is good and I believe so what else do I need. In MN right now, met with Vikings this morning another awesome story to tell, will upload blog soon.
Happy Thanks Giving and thanks for following,
Brandon Culpepper