It seems like forever since I have posted on this page, sometimes running around training, working and the acts of everyday life gets the best of you. Well now its time to settle down and recap on whats been going on for the month of September 2010. I have spent lots of time on the track and in the gym, getting bigger, faster and stronger; and helping others do the same. Part time working at a restaurant here in Atlanta called the Collonade, it pays the bills for now. Obviously not what my dream job is and I agree it's not what I'm suppose to be doing. It's funny because every time I have a server position, I always get comments like "you shouldn't be doing this job" from the guest and they are right. I simply tell them I'm just paying the bills for now, but I always wonder what it is that they see in me besides my size and smile that makes me seem out of place. Whatever it is I agree with them 110%.
I'm looking forward to the change and the job that best fits me, football :). We have been doing lots of filming this month also and along with the personal training I have been doing on the side I have kept myself busy to say the least. Teams have remained in contact with me and I'm looking forward to getting back on the field, playing ball and doing what I do. I'm a living witness that dreams can become your reality, you just have to believe; because your never to old to dream.
"A man's mind plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps and make them sure"
(Proverbs 16:9)
Today I encourage you to search your heart and allow those God-given dreams to surface. You know the dreams that won't go away. You may have had it for years, but you still can't let it go. In fact, you may have tried to let it go, but it wont let go of you; yeah that one. God place those Desires which in Latin means "from the father", inside of you for a purpose, and He's going to use them to direct you into the destiny He has in store for you!
Joel and Victoria Osteen